infinite fusion secret garden. Rockruff nest in the Secret Garden Noibat nest in Rock Tunnel Goomy nest on Route 15 Hawlucha nest in Saffron City Snorunt nest in the Seafoam Islands Swablu nest on Route 23 Rockruff nest in the Goldenrod Daycare on Route 34 Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. infinite fusion secret garden

 Rockruff nest in the Secret Garden Noibat nest in Rock Tunnel Goomy nest on Route 15 Hawlucha nest in Saffron City Snorunt nest in the Seafoam Islands Swablu nest on Route 23 Rockruff nest in the Goldenrod Daycare on Route 34 Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise notedinfinite fusion secret garden  it's not

You can increase your karma by helping people/completing quests. The entrance is just a regular tree to the right of route 1. Each time you defeat that pokemon the grass will. I think hitmonchan is Gear 2, not Gear 3. 1)Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. We expose the horrible truth about Mr. Nincada can be found with a poke radar as you go to the 3rd gym I think. 88. Pokemon Infinite Fusion - FUSION POKEMON! Pokemon Fan Game Gameplay WalkthroughPokemon Infinite Fusion -. Hidden Forest connects Route 2 (Before the Forest) in the west and with Route 16 in the east. Rockruff nest in the Secret Garden Noibat nest in Rock Tunnel Goomy nest on Route 15 Hawlucha nest in Saffron City Snorunt nest in the Seafoam Islands Swablu nest on Route 23 Rockruff nest in the Goldenrod Daycare on Route 34 Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. (Again, ask around, it shouldn’t take too long) It may be level 1 and after the Poison Gym, but it’s still before the Elite 4. I'm wondering if there is a way to edit IF saves so I can create pokemon that are otherwise impossible (I. As such, some of the areas listed here might be unaccessible during normal gameplay. But the Lapras/Mimikyu one looks cursed :p. . 3 Full. nope i found it and got a honedge look on the wiki. You will. Sort by: Open comment sort options. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. possible and with never miss thunder (thanks to drizzle) , surf or other water spa. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Hidden Abilities are special abilities that replace a Pokémon's normal Ability. Fusions act as regular Pokémon and have their own movesets, stats and Pokédex entries. Pokémon Infinite Fusion Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Inside, there's a fair amount of seating and most tables seat four. Pokémon Fusion is when two or more Pokémon are combined to create a new Pokémon with the attributes of both. 2. . The plot and setting are largely the same as Pokémon Red and. That means you must have beat giovani at saffron cuty. 4. Tata fusions) and you can still use DNA Splicers earlier than that if you REALLY want to, or you want a fusion you can't catch in the wild, but. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion Sports NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. Location of Route 1 in Kanto. If they do, that player searches their deck for a basic Energy card, reveals it, and puts it into their hand. Or you could enter through Route 2 (Before the Forest) and use Rock Climb on the ledge. Oddly enough, the capsules will cycle and register that Super Luck should be the active ability, so the next one I use will prompt to. Moon (i think) and east of Mt. Chillhop Piano Lofi. 5 The Long Road to the Rainbow Badge. The game is finished but still receives updates. kaynkancer. It’s not in the spot it’s in for version 4 unless it’s unlock-able after a certain point (can’t remember if it is or not). ago. 6 Return to Lavender Town. Please help. CweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeJ • 5 mo. this produces a copy of the fusion that you can unfuse. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. I entered the secret garden at route 2, under the location you need to use cut. com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Solved. Phone number (813) 228-0598. 0. Then just go to the left side of route 1 and enter the secret garden. In this video, I show you how I beat Pokemon Infinite Fusion with only Gardevoir fusions! This is a super difficult game, but I was able to beat it with enou. This page is up to date as of Version 6. If they do, that player searches their deck for a basic Energy card, reveals it, and puts it into their hand. In this video, I show you how I beat Pokemon Infinite Fusion with only Gardevoir fusions! This is a super difficult game, but I was able to beat it with enou. Just serach the right wall befor enter the Viridian city. It can be accessed via the backdoors on both sides of the museum. Fusions have the movesets of both pokemon, and can relearn any moves either pokemon could relearn EXCEPT (bug alert) that if the body learns multiple moves at the same level (most noticeable with lv1 moves), only the last of those moves will be in the fusion's moveset. Find the folder shortcut called "Savefile" and open it. 11 / Kofftini. Use a repel and go into the grass that shakes and guaranteed special mons will appear. What's going on guilty guys and gals? Well we finally found Giovanni at least. "Flytrap" Venusaur/Gliscor. poke_kid112. It is filled with Bug-type Pokémon and trainers who specialise in those Pokémon. Aggressive_Corner174. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Randomized Mode. Edit : Infernape + Hitmonchan is actually Gear 2 Thank you u/Steel_Dreemurr for pointing it out. Sandshrew: Mt. Digifan24. Given by a fisherman southwest of Dewdrop Coast (requires Surf) An awesome, high-tech fishing rod. When this series on r/Pokémon is finished, the Discord needs to have a contest on who can Sprite this the best, and whoever wins should get their design put into the game as a secret boss. CAN I BEAT POKEMON INFINITE FUSION USING ONLY LUCARIO FUSIONS?secret garden infinite fusionTwitter have to beat your rival on the route left of viridian city before you challlenge brock. WRROAAARR SECRET GARDEN. VoryoMTG. Though the Secret Garden Kitchen Nightmares episode aired in December 2007, the actual filming and visit from Gordon Ramsay took place much earlier in February 2007. OR, if you ended up killing that encounter, they spawn like crazy in the Basement of the Cinnabar Island Mansion located at the top right corner of Cinnabar Island. 1) has brought white and black diversified splicers. Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex. . Put three compatible pokemon in your party then talk to him. 1. 1. DeliriousMango. After going back and doing all the stuff that we already did last episode, we go to a secret area that has a bunch of Eevees. Fusion Lab. 1 Finding Bill and the First Fusion. C. This is where you should be looking. Fusions are used often among trainers and can be found uncommonly in the. . It’s not just a simple record of different Pokémon species like in the official games; instead, it’s a vastly expanded database that includes a massive array of unique Pokémon created by fusing. So yeah. I just beat Koga and wanted to do some fusion breeding. there's also a cache of useful items in the secret garden (requires winning at the missable optional rival fight west of viridian)After the 4th gym badge a hidden path opens on route 2 (behinde the cut trees). Zorua is found in that secret area as well asstarter pokemon. ago. They can be used in Fusions to give the resultant Fusion Pokémon the Hidden Ability of it's. The Pokéradar is obtained from Professor Oak's assistant in Cerulean City's Pokémon Center. Near the end of the forest, behind some cuttable trees is a Pokémon Nest containing a Venipede egg. Varron. It gives you access to a whole load of. ago. Yes, you heard right, it contains each and every one of the more than 175,000 fusions contained in the game. And yes finish off blue is condition to enter the garden After getting (I think) 4 badges and beating Optional Blue fight go down from digglet cave near viridian forest then you can enter secret forrest. Softonic review. • 1 yr. Bat and Mr. Pokémon See moreIt's Roger From PokeOBG (OneBroGaming), And In This Video I Show You How To Get To The Secret Garden Early On In Pokemon Infinite Fusion! This Secret. Actually there is a secret garden. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. ago. Head to the secret forest near the start of route 2, its behind a tree, find a hidden pathway near the bottom right, and you'll end up there. RekTheTea • 4 mo. (I unfused my level 21 riolu/trapinch and got 2 level 15s. 0 there are only the following alterations: Meowth and Persian are pure Dark (due to the element being rare otherwise), Dewgong is Ice/Water instead of Water/Ice, Magnemite's line are Steel/Electric instead of Electric/Steel (a steel-gray magnemite fusion will actually be. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from. (10) A Fusion's base stats are based on a weighted average of both halves, as follows: (2/3)xBody + (1/3. This huge salad cost $8. 2. more. 2 comments. Hi i just started playing infinite fusion about two days ago and while playing yesterday i randomly noticed that the game got much faster, as in the animations, text, walking speed, everything was just faster. In Ecruteak City, in the house to the left of the pokémon center there is an old lady whose dialogue will indicate your current karma level. A true 'secret garden,' outdoor ceremonies are met with an elegant reception for an unforgettable wedding day in the Valley of the Sun. Item. Learn where to find the Shiny Stone that you need to evolve your Eevee into a Sylveon and share your tips and experiences with other players. TUTORIAL !!!Pokemon Infinite Fusion How to go to Secret GardenPastebin. • 1 yr. ago. 1. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However; If the Fusion Pokémon is Unfused, both component Pokémon will no longer have their Hidden Ability. Great bargain!. Takagi and Kanemura are two normal high school students in a near-future Japan where many things are different but taken in stride. 1. Red-Claw • 3 yr. keep going right into the trees. If that's what you're referring to, then yesOnly works with natives mons available in Pokémon Infinite Fusion v5 ! This project was created by SDM0, then maintained by Aegide. 4 stepps befor you jump down. There’s nothing new. • 24 days ago. Game Anchors. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. 205. Took me a couple hours (with several game crashes) before I figured out the Hex Code I had to edit: NOTE: The Hex Code for Money changes every time you Exit and Start the Game. Hidden Abilities were introduced in Generation IV. In the film, the Secret Garden is the home of the Legendary Pokémon Latias and Latios. • 6 mo. ago. If you’d like the link to the video just tell me, although the other 4 tips are kind of basic. PokeCommunitybehold: every fusion between all eeeveelutions. . Just flew back and forth to go sleep in an hotel ( don't know if that is needed or not) and had one encounter each time I got to the river. Philadelphia 76ers. pages. this produces a copy of the fusion that you can unfuse. ago. 207. Can I beat a Pokemon Hardcore Nuzlocke challenge in Pokemon Infinite Fusion using only fusions? Nuzlocke rules: Fainted Pokemon must be permanently boxedOnly. Viridian City. 1. 3 contributors total, last edit on Oct 29, 2021. it's not. there's no marker for it. I saved after entering the house though so I think I have to wait until. Then you see her once more and you do quests. Fused pokemons can't make eggs. 1. Premium Track. By Knuckles3&Knuckles Description: An easy to read google doc walkthrough with images to let you know where to go next. 2 comments. I currently have a solid four that I'm definitely taking but I was hoping to get a few suggestions on what fusions would be best to add to the pair. 2. 112. But the doll you follow around in the basement eventually ends up upstairs on the table and when you interact with it Banette shows up. Enter the secret forest and head South until you reach Viridian River. Many players have posted their questions and solutions on this subreddit. POKÉRADAR ENCOUNTERS. The garden is designed based on the hedge maze, which uses vertical hedges to divide passages. The latest version (5. It is up to date as of version 5. I remember because I got it. Easy way to get Mist Stone to. For the list of game locations, see Category:Locations. i have searched for almost an hour to see if docs wrong but no ditto. ago. I cannot find the Secret Garden on Route 1, i have beaten the rival and even collected 8 badges but not defeated the Elite 4 so are there. Building, after beating Team Rocket, only at night) (5. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokémon. You can enter this area next to the house with the man who gives to the TM for fly, west Celadon City (Route 16) using cut. So, apparently this won't work with older versions (like version 5. It's a short route that can be accessed almost immediately in the game - however, within the Gate you will be stopped by the Badge Checker as Route 26 leads to Victory Road. It evolves into Kirlia starting at level 20, which evolves into Gardevoir starting at level 30, or, if male, Gallade when exposed to a Dawn Stone. • 9 mo. Please let me know if I am just wasting my time hoping for the PokeRadar to work so I can hopefully find alternatives. Join. Another way to get starters is, After you get cut in the S. This is the encounters tables taken directly from the game's files. S. They do evolve between the 40-50 range. No randomizer, I have hatched the egg, have the Ralts in my inventory but the Day-Care man is still asking if it has hatched yet, trying to sell me Incubators and the woman only has the one line saying they take care of baby pokemon. I downloaded infinite fusion 30 minutes ago, but i think these fusions are great for postgame: Kyogre + Garchomp (Water/Ground) -> Poison, ground, rock, steel, fire, electric. Make sure to fight your rival before heading to veridian forest. Spoooopy#Pokémon #Fusion #DittoYou should be able to breed for them. 10. 47 / Ursaitar lv. While the capsule says that it's changing the ability back to Super Luck from Pressure, the ability never changes from Pressure. Yelp Fusiondex is the Pokédex of Pokémon Infinite Fusion, with which you can review the complete list of Pokémon included (more than 400) and all possible fusions in the game. Location of secret garden in version 5. The Secret Garden is part of the Bravery Chef Hall, which is basically a modern, high-quality twist on a food hall. EDIT: Notably this is available early if you did the second Rival. IxSolarMarvelxI. ago • Edited 4 yr. Weakness Guard Energy (Secret) $3. make sure that shedinja's the body, normal/ghost has 1 weakness while bug/normal has 3. Thus, you can play anytime, anywhere, and. Yes, bottom left is the reverse fusion because actual pikachu/mimikyu. Once they leave, the player can choose to keep between the Helix Fossil or the Dome Fossil. • 5 mo. The game is based on Japeal's Pokémon Fusion Generator and is supported by a community of artists that create new sprites every day. Anyway, this is how you reach the Secret House: From the entrance after you enter, go to the east side of the screen and go through the transition into the next area. There are probably better trainers to rematch (someone who has a blissey fusion for example) but the fire type trainer is close to the healing station and makes restoring pp easier. It took me few in-game days to find one, and when i did, I got a crit and killed it XD. Pokemon Infinite Fusion Pokedex. You can find ralts during the day in secret garden It unlocks after 4th gym i think, or not not sure It's on route 1 Go down from Viridian and right then keep going down while pushing againts the trees on the right, around the middle it's an invisible entrance, inside is the garden where you can find ralts, eevee, mime jr etc. Est 2006…. 3. Thanks for the help! 1. Rex_Hallows • 1 yr. Then just go to the left side of route 1 and enter the secret garden. Secret Garden (ID 185) Pokémon Type Level Catch Rate Encounter Rate Dawn Noon Dusk; Grass Eevee Normal 2-4 45 20% Pichu Electric 2-5 190 20% Cleffa Fairy 2-4 150. AngrySayian • 4 mo. 1. ago. Might get judged for the legendary but I just love this Entei fusion. Game Version 5. If the player chose Bulbasaur: If the player chose Charmander: If the player chose Squirtle: Patches of grass. Anyone know where I can catch zoroark. Wait until night. 0. Johnson & Johnson. . Route 24. purveyor of pretty things⚜️Home. 29 listings on TCGplayer for Viridian Forest (Secret) - Pokemon - Once during each player's turn, that player may discard a card from their hand. Or you misspelled something, I. CAN I BEAT POKEMON INFINITE FUSION USING ONLY LUCARIO FUSIONS?secret garden infinite fusionTwitter You have to beat your rival on the route left of viridian city before you challlenge brock. ago. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Secret Forest. Fantastic-Cap-7141 • 7 mo. 2 patch (by copying all the files in the patch folder and pasting it into my main game folder and replacing all the same name files) and now I can't encounter any wild pokemon? I tried talking to the guy in the black suit on the pokecenter second floor and fixing the game that way, but still no wild encounters. Where is the secret celebi garden? I swear i was watching a pokemon fusion stream last night and saw someone walk into a wall and appear and find pokeballs in the floor. A few pics of the salad bar as well as my own creation. The steps are relatively simple. . Secret garden is at the top right of route 1 after you beat your first rival. ADD-ON PROTEIN: Avocado 3 • Tofu 5 • Vegan Patty 7 • Peppered Bacon 6 • Marinated Steak 9. Hopefully somebody else can help you more than I can. so i saw a youtuber go into a secret garden on route 1 but when i went there i coudnt find it so is it still in the game or has it been removed. The river allows you to rarely encounter starters as overworld encounters. Tutorial, Pokemon Infinite Fusion, How to go to Mew, at secret Garden, Route 1 is a route that connects Pallet Town to Viridian City. 0. Secret garden. Route 2 (After the Forest) is a small Route leading to Pewter City. Join. Not only can you create the Pokemon of your dreams (or nightmares) using Pokemon from. There you can find some rare mons (at least in modern mode) such as riolu, happani, and eevee. The Pokéradar is an item introduced in update 4. ago. Coming from Viridian, go East instead of West and hug the tree wall a few squares shy of the first ledge. You can find Zorua in there. You can also find an oval stone in route 10. The Secret Garden is a hidden gem in Pokémon Infinite Fusion. Lapras just wouldn't really fit in the team. Engineer Jason: Unpom lv. Fusion FAQ. Wild Pokémon Encounters Wild Pokémon Encounters (modern mode) Static encounters Gift Pokémon and Trades. I found the Secret Garden on the wiki, and think it'd be fun to have an Eeveelution-centric team. Secret Forest. Bonus: Secret Garden. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Game information. 0 comments. Add a Comment. You must go through the icy mountains. Buy it. Pokémon Infinite Fusion takes place in Kanto, and we’ll be controlling none other than the classic yet enigmatic Red during his adventure defeating Team Rocket, defeating Blue, defeating all the Gym Leaders, and defeating the league. North of Viridian City, Route 2, just north of first steps is a tree to right, cut it, south past steps, and there's an entrance to the right. 81K subscribers in the PokemonInfiniteFusion community. So, originally had fused an Espeon with a Galvantua. ago. You'll find the secret garden. • 4 yr. How to access secret Garden ? To access it, you need to defeat your first rival battle on Route 22, right before taking on Brock. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. you can set the difficulty to easy mode for the improved auto experience share, or ask around for a save file with magic boots whichd let you give them to yourself. PokeCommunityRalts also learns it and I think it appears in the secret garden in normal mode. You can find your save file in C:/users/<your profile>/Saved Games/Pokemon Infinite Fusion. 7K likes · 23 talking about this · 247 were here. If you wish to play, you can download the game here. Thank You for the answer!! You get a Sneasel from a man in Goldenrod city. follow the directions until the next intersection: right, down, (follow the path 4 forced turns), down, down, left, left, (ignore the bump blocking half the corridor), down, forced turn left, left, forced turn up , follow the snake like corridor, left, snake like corridor again, finish. Next give them to the daycare. The list is compiled here. The game is based on Japeal's Pokémon Fusion Generator and is supported by a community of artists that create new sprites every day. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion Sports NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. Rock Tunnel. Brine Road. Safari Zone: The Safari Zone is a place where Trainers can catch special types of Pokemon. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Philadelphia 76ers Premier League UFCPokemon Infinite Fusion SQUARELOCKE! Randomised NuzlockePokemon Infinite FusionI created a squarelocke to involve you guys into my playthrough!What is a squa. Pokémon infinite fusion: a Comment. Yasumu. Go a little more left from the house and there's an entrance to the forest. Ah yes, the desire of lopunny mixed with the inmense compatibility of vaporeon. . Secret garden is a subarea on route 1 that is only accessible if you beat the rival battle that comes before Brock. Where is Ralts? I've looked at various posts and sites, including the wiki itself, and from my understanding it should be found in the Secret Garden, as well as in the Johto region. Just started a randomized and fought a happiny and fused it with a tyrogue how would I go about evolving it. Chill Beats Calm Lofi Piano Calming Peaceful Sad Soft Aesthetic Somber Slow Atmospheric Vlog Sentimental. Vulpix: North of Rock Tunnel. I did patch my game to the newest version, so I have no idea why this is. Here is the list of all locations and the guides: Safari Zone. Blue Robot ~Quick Killer. After obtaining the Exp. Thank you!!!--- Key Points in this Episode ---20:00 - Hotels and Quests37:45 - Brock Battle46:56 - Route 3Thank you for watching my Pokémon Infinite Fusion Bug-only Chal. This sound trick is key when determining if you were successful at find. Explore. When I did my playthrough I did a venusaur/flygon, using the flygons body, kinda like a green flying lizard I rlly liked it. you can access it from route 2 after you beat Erika. --- Key Points in this Episode ---2:20 – Dinkleberg! Rematch35:35 – Evolution47:10 – Bill’s House52:00 – Dark MistyThank you for watching my Pokémon Infinite. Route 1 is a route that connects Pallet Town to Viridian City. The entrance is just a regular tree to the right of route 1. ago. In order to access it you have to defeat your rival on route 22 before beating brock, then go back to route 1 and walk into the trees on the right side. You will have to look for it. 505 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL 33602. Are you having trouble evolving your Magneton in Pokémon Infinite Fusion? You are not alone. ago. So idk if anyone noticed but i was going to state some fusions to break infinite fusion for these u should play randomized first catch a Pikachu farm a light ball and fuse with another mon with high offensive stats and high stats in genera like Kyurem, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, or Dragoniteu get the idea. Scrambled tofu or eggs, peppers, caramelized onions & mushrooms. Tuning: E A D G B E. I thought I was locked out because I skipped the rival fight. Yes you missed the window for the secret garden, but you can find wild eevees in the patch of grass in. If anyone is having the same problem as me, missing the secret garden and wanting more than just one egg, you can also find Kirlia using the PokéRadar at Route 34 (just south of Goldenrod). For each climax. Here is the list of all locations and the guides: Safari Zone. 1. I got a Zoroark that I wanted to fuse with the Espeon instead, but after un-fusing Estula, Espeon's ability was replaced with Synchronize, and Magic Bounce couldn't be. 9. Normal mode has only the og 151 and johto and other regional Pokémon are available only at post game. Thank you for the Old Rod at least!Story Synopsis. Or you could enter through Route 2 (Before the Forest) and use Rock Climb on the ledge. Pokemon Infinite Fusion Locations List. Secret Garden. After messing around with the fusion calculator and looking at your fusions I have come up with a new team I plan for my play through and nicknames for them. Next give them to the daycare. Wild Happiny sometimes carry oval stones. The problem with that is that i never beat my rival on the route west of viridian city, and now that i'm well past that point. 1. 504. Pokemon Infinite Fusion 5. The entrance is sandwiched in between several trees on route 1 just before the entrance to Viridian City. I MISSED my chance, having beaten Brock already, I came back down (as i usually fight him after Brock to be sure my team is solid. Is it only ecounterable after I complete something or is it just a really rare spawn. Honorable mention to Ninjask+Breloom. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Mt. You'll hear a jingle if an overworld. Join. Fuji, and discover a secret patch of land right in our backyard!Kirran & Grant bring you the GOODTIMES in Pokemon Infi. Pokemon Infinite Fusion Locations List. Secret area between Viridian and Pallet town, from Viridian go down and right to the trees and keep pushing right while goin down, there is a secret area there with pokemon like Ralts, Eevee, Mime Jr etc Also in Celadon on the patch of grass where the old man stands (need surf to get there) In this guide I'm going to show you how to catch the Legendary Pokemon Mew as well as all Gen 1 - 4 starters in Pokemon Infinite Fusions by unlocking the Sec. I remember because I got it. Exit Fuchsia City to the right on the route there Ditto spawn naturally. How do you find the mythical Pokemon in the secret forest? There is a secret forest on the right of route 2 that leads to a man who says a mythical pokemon is attracted to the clean water. 14 / Shupeary lv.